North End, Sedgefield. TS21 3BT

Sedgefield ChurchSedgefield is situated just off the A177 between Durham and Stockton on Tees. The church is situated on the main road through Sedgefield, at the north end of the village, opposite the North End BP garage.

The present church building was opened in 1967, purpose built, with two large halls.

Sunday Services: 10.00am 

There is always a warm welcome for visitors and newcomers.


Alternative Mondays & Thursdays 3.45pm Taste and See

Alternate Mondays, 7.30pm – 8.45pm: Wives and Friends.

Ladies of all ages are welcome to join this group, who meet fortnightly, for a varied programme of talks, activities and outings - and for fellowship together.

1st & 3rd Wednesdays -  2pm  Inspire Craft Cafe 

Alternate Wednesdays, 1.30pm – 3.00pm: Seekers .
This group meets together fortnightly, in the church hall, for conversation, fellowship and devotion.

1st & 3rd Thursdays, 7.30pm: Bible Study Group meets in a member’s home.

Friday 9.30am  Ready Steady Grow

Friday 7.00pm  Bowls

Saturdays, 9.30 - 10.00am: Prayer Circle.
The church is open at this time for all who wish to join in prayer.

First Saturday of the month, 10.00am – 11.30am: Coffee Morning.

An opportunity to meet for a chat over a cup of coffee – and raise money too.

(Other Coffee Mornings for charity by arrangement)

For further information about the church or baptisms / weddings / funerals:
Please contact Rev Christopher Humble.