Weardale Methodist Church


Weardale Methodist Church

meeting at Stanhope Methodist Chapel 

                                                  High Street, Stanhope DL13 2UP                                                     






Weardale Methodist Church: a people of hope, loving God, growing with God, sharing God’s love.



Sunday Worship - 10.30am - please see the Plan as we meet with our Anglican friends at St Thomas's Church and join with other churches for our Circuit Services. 


Praise in the Dale - monthly on Thursday evenings (see the plan)  - 7.00pm for praise and friendship 

Breakfast Church - Frosterley Village Hall - third Saturday in the month - 9.30am  service followed by bacon sandwiches 

Worship Group - once a month  - a service of praise 

On the way -  a short walk on a Sunday afternoon in Weardale using the world around us to reflect, explore and deepen faith.



The 4:12 young people's meeting room






For details of where each walk starts contact Rev. Bruce